Chiropractic Services in Lexington, Kentucky for Work Related Injuries

Dr. James Garrett

We Help Work Related Injuries
On average, one in three workplace injuries involves musculoskeletal injuries, which affect ligaments, muscles, tendons and even bones.
These injuries can occur due to trauma or wear and tear from daily routines.
The most common workplace injuries include:
Falls from heights to lower levels
Repetitive motion injuries
Slips, trips and falls
Overexertion and lifting/lowering injuries
Falling objects or debris
Work-related vehicular accidents
Many people who experience these types of workplace injuries could benefit from quality our chiropractic care.
The chiropractic care we provide for work related injuries helps reduce pain and improves function, all without the need of medication or surgery.
If you have recently had an injury at work, and are experiencing back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, or concussion symptoms, we can help!